Daily Archives: July 15, 2012

A Discovery…

I recently visited Vancouver BC for recreational purposes and discovered a few things about Canadians and their relationship with books.

All the coffee shops in the city were filled with hipsters sitting at tables, alone, with a coffee cup and reading a book. I don’t know if they wanted to feel “cool” or wanted others to know that they were “cool” but judging from what I witnessed, reading seemed to be a top priority for Vancouverites.

Another discovery I made is that Canadians have the same fascination with vampire novels as do us Americans. I went to a drugstore named “London Drugs” (I had no clue why it was named such because it did not sell anything British) and I navigated my way to the books section only to find a wall of supernatural novels. Yup, a wall. But not one Fifty Shades of Gray in sight. Seems like Canadians don’t like their erotic romance novels.

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